Three Building Blocks to Creating a Great Customer Experience

CX Analytics

In ten years of helping more than 900 companies design and execute enterprise-wide customer-experience programs, the McKinsey Company have a formula that they have seen 15 to 20 percent increases in sales conversion rates, 20 to 50 percent declines in service costs, and 10 to 20 percent improvement in customer satisfaction. The formula has specific … Read more

Customer Journey Map Metrics

Customer journey maps are a visualization of the journey that your customers go through to understand and engage with your organization. They tell a story from when a prospective customer first heard about you, through first contact and into a (hopefully) long-term relationship. Customer journey maps are a tool for your organization to measure customer … Read more

Self-Transcendence, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Experience Economy

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was first proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review and later fully expressed in his 1954 book Motivation and Personality. This hierarchy is a popular framework in sociology research and management training. Maslow’s theory suggests that the most … Read more

Experience Design, Lean and Agile

In today’s experience economy, successful companies don’t stand out because of their efficient production or their better engineering. It is their dedication to understanding their customers and their strong commitment to solving customers’ problems and servicing their needs. Experience Design focuses on the customer problems and needs. Applying human-centered design helps companies become more agile and flexible in their … Read more

The Design Vision Statement

Over the years, I have developed my share of Design vision, missions, goals and strategies. Early in my career, I developed the teams from scratch but now it is more about helping existing teams level up. At the core of any good team, is a clearly understood vision. As I have stated many times over … Read more

UX Maturity Model and Strategy Scorecard

Your products and services are delivering an experience to your customers regardless if you are consciously managing them. A good experience delights customers and generates a steady revenue stream while a poor experience sends customers to the competition and can be the demise of an organization. Savvy organizations understand their experience design maturity, invest in … Read more

Product Management and Design Working Together

The best product development experiences I have had have been when the Product, Design and Development work together. One experience that comes to mind, is when the Product Manager, Development Manager and myself were working on a solution for a new market. We visited our main prospect, the largest organization in this market, with a … Read more

Human-Human Interaction is Still a Thing

I have two assumptions: our dependency on technology is only going to increase; and the need for that technology to be ubiquitous or invisible will be mandatory. I love Machine Learning and AI. And combined with UX, I believe we will make a better world. I have another assumption. There are some interactions that some … Read more

Data Science Meets Design Thinking

In the O’Reilly article, Design thinking and data science: Solving problems with data necessitates a diversity of thought, Dean Malmgren from Datascope and Jon Wettersten from IDEO shares: “Problem solving not only requires a high-level conceptual understanding of the challenge, but also a deep understanding of the nuances of a challenge… Solving problems with data necessitates a … Read more

Design Thinking is Iterative and Cyclical

Design Thinking is an iterative process. In the larger context, we understand then explore then materialize our solution. Every step of the way is iterative. What we learn in one step of the process may cause us to go back and refine what we learned in a previous step. Especially when we prototype our ideas … Read more

Design Thinking: A Brief History

You could say the basic principles of Design Thinking have always been around. It was these basic principles that early humans built tools and drew on cave walls. It required observation, experimentation and prototyping. Learning from each iteration and evolving the design and our evolution as a species. Just as is does today. In his … Read more