Customer Journey Map Metrics

Customer journey maps are a visualization of the journey that your customers go through to understand and engage with your organization. They tell a story from when a prospective customer first heard about you, through first contact and into a (hopefully) long-term relationship. Customer journey maps are a tool for your organization to measure customer … Read more

Capture the Hearts to Change the Minds and Win Your Customers

memorable experiences

Humans are irrational. We think we make rational decisions but science tells us we are incapable of making rational decisions. We cannot make a decision without emotions. It is the emotional part of our brain that informs our rational part to make a decision. And if the feeling is strong enough, we will justify our decisions to … Read more

You Talk – We Listen – We Act: Transforming Net Promoter from a Survey to a Process

  I recently heard David Deal, Senior Director Marketing at CHEP, speak about their challenges, trials, and triumphs with developing and maintaining their Net Promoter  Score (NPS) program. Here are a few things that David had to share. For starters… you have to ensure that everyone in the organizations understands the relevance. If it is … Read more

Promoter-Driven Economy and the Next Decade of Innovation in Customer Experience

At Satmetrix’s 8th Annual Net Promoter Customer Experience Conference, Richard Owen, President and CEO of Satmetrix, gave the keynote: Friends with Benefits or Enemies with Consequences: The promoter-driven economy and the next decade of innovation in customer experience. In his presentation, Richard shared five predictions for the next decade of NPS and CX: Pricing transparency … Read more