Gone are the days of 24 or 48 hour response times. Customers expect instant interactions, whether it is a relevant offer or an answer to a customer service query, and the ability for same-day delivery of items purchased through various channels. Companies like Amazon understand this and have established distribution centers near major metropolises just so they can achieve same-day delivery. Amazon is even working on new technology like drones to deliver products even faster.
And we must recalibrate our efforts in line with the device-shifting behavior of our customers. Our customers are experiencing our brand across a multitude of channels. They are surfing our website, looking us up on their mobile device, searching for items from the kiosk in our stores. All of these interactions must be cohesive – a consistent brand with accurate information across time and space. Some leading hotels understand that customers need to have a similar experience across product and service channels as they do with staff.
Our customers are experiencing our organization’s brand 24 hours a day; 7 days a week. We must be true to our brand and deliver on it’s promise through exceptional experiences.