Value-Driven Design to Value-Centered Design

Value-Driven Design is a process where the design choices are made to maximize system value rather than to meet performance requirements.


Value-Driven Design grew from a collaboration of three Technical Committees of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA): the Economics Technical Committee, the Systems Engineering Technical Committee, and the Multidisciplinary Optimization Technical Committee. The goal of the collaboration was to use economic value modeling tools as a method to integrate multidisciplinary optimization into the systems engineering framework.

This is similar to the value-driven approach of agile software development where a project’s stakeholders prioritize their high-level needs based on the perceived business value each for each system feature.

VCDIn his article, Searching for the Center of Design, Jess McMullin, shares with us Value-Centered Design where value is at the intersection of business goals and individual goals. Value-Centered Design recognizes that the point of design is to generate value. And not just bottom line cost savings, or top line sales through new products but value that comes at the intersection of business goals and human needs – the return on investment (ROI) that comes from the return on experience (ROX).

When designing your experiences for your next product, service, space and/or event, consider the value drivers from early business requirements prioritization through design and development. ROX to drive ROI.