Corporate User Experience Maturity Model: Part 1 of 4

Organizations and their products and services have a “user experience” regardless if the organization is consciously managing it. User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with an organization, its services, and its products.1 A good user experience delights customers – increasing adoption, retention, loyalty, and, ultimately, revenue. A poor user experience detracts customers, drives them to the competition, and, eventually, is no longer a viable source of revenue.

As organizations become more aware of their user experience and develop processes to architect, manage, and measure it, they gain the benefits. Over the years, I have observed how different organizations progress from no user experience awareness to user experience as one of their core distinction. Much of my observation comes from first hand experience as the facilitator of this change. I also have had numerous discussions with peers with other organizations whose user experience dedication has evolved over time. The culmination of my observations is what led me to develop the User Experience Maturity Model that I first presented at the Managing Innovation Conference in 2007 and again at Human-Computer Interaction International in 2009. The model was inspired by the Capability Maturity Model Integration2 and the Corporate Usability Maturity.3

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  1. Nielsen Norman Group. “User Experience – Our Definition.” 2007.
  2. Capability Maturity Model® Integration,
  3. Nielsen, Jakob. “Corporate Usability Maturity.” Alertbox. April, 24, 2006.