Usability evaluations assess the degree to which your website, application, product or service can be used by your customers, the efficiency of your solution and the overall delightfulness you deliver. These evaluations are to validate that the tasks are easy to complete. It is a test of the ease of use of your offering not the intelligence of the customers. If the tasks are hard or impossible to complete then your solution is not easy to use.
Usability Specialists conduct usability evaluations with your target audience to ensure that the tasks are effective, efficient and delightful. They work with your customers to review your actual solution or a prototype of your solution (website, app, product, services, etc.) for feedback. The metrics for effectiveness, efficiency and delight is task completion, task time, and emotional responses. There are several types of evaluation methods that you may use.
With Remote Unmoderated Evaluations, UX professionals can run unmoderated, task-based studies with geographically dispersed participants over any web-based interface (website, prototype, mock-up.) Participants take the study simultaneously (asynchronous), in their natural context, using their own PC or device. Unlike traditional in-lab user testing, remote unmoderated testing does not require a moderator and lab facilities and enables you to reduce costs, save time, recruit with ease, improve the frequency of usability testing.