Power, Love and Leadership

“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” ― Martin Luther King Jr “There exists a form of power and intelligence that represents the … Read more

Fail Fast, Succeed Faster

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” – Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft “Early success is a terrible teacher. You’re essentially being rewarded for a lack of preparation, so when you find yourself in a situation where you must prepare, you can’t do it. You don’t know how.” … Read more


It is okay to disagree with me.You wouldn’t be the first.I sometimes disagree with myself. A disagreement is an opportunity to explore.And I love to explore. If you are right and I am wrong,Then I learn something that was true that I didn’t know.And I value truth above most all things. Thank you.

Good Mentor Questions

Good mentors are important. The best workplaces have formal programs to develop mentoring relationships. LinkedIn has even launched a feature to help you find one. And how to be a good mentor is a topic of perennial interest. “For mentors, the most important thing, really, is to ask questions, to be this guide on the side, rather than the … Read more

Like Optimism, Happiness is a Good Thing, too

As I have discuss the virtue of optimism, Rebecca Temsen, a blogger at Self Development Secrets, reached out to me and shared this post on happiness. Happiness is key to a creative and healthy life. Studies have shown that a more positive outlook results in better general health and fewer illnesses and that optimism cuts the … Read more

The Power of Optimism

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill In today’s dynamic markets, teams must be curious, optimistic and thoughtful. Curious to explore new trends and new ideas. Optimistic to keep motivated and motivate others. And thoughtful to have empathy for the people that you … Read more


After almost six years, I am moving on from FICO. There were many things that attracted me to FICO (Fair Isaac Company). The analytic software solutions for the world, delivered via desktop, SaaS, cloud, mobile – almost every platform you could imagine and for all major markets – government, military, finance, healthcare, retail, etc. It … Read more

Give the Moment What the Moment Needs

Chris Bryant, at ProductCamp SoCal last year, said “Give the moment what the moment needs” I jotted this down and it really stuck with me.  Cherish yesterday, dream of tomorrow and live for today. This has been a mantra of mine for as long as I can remember. It reminds me not to dwell on … Read more